Company Restorations

ready made companies

Company Restorations

Administrative Restoration.

Many companies are dissolved/struck off the register for failing to file Confirmation Statements or Accounts. This will freeze the assets and bank accounts of the company. The company can be restored to the register by a process called Administrative Restoration permitted by The Registrar of Companies/Companies House, on submission of a complete and satisfactory application by a director or shareholder of the company. The application must be made within 6 years of striking off.

Once restored, the company is deemed to have been in continuous existence as if it had not been dissolved or struck off.

At Douglas Company Services Limited we will ensure that the application is complete. Applications require a Waiver Letter with consent to restore from the Treasury Solicitor, which we will obtain on your behalf.

As part of the application all missing Confirmation Statements and accounts will need to be filed and any late filing penalties paid. We will assist you in gathering all necessary documents.

The costs to restore including a government fee of £468.00 with form RT01, Waiver Letter/Bona Vacantia fee of £64.00 and paper Confirmation Statement filing fee of £62.00 per document where required. We will also inform you of any late filing penalties due. Our fee is £150.00 plus vat. Once a complete and acceptable application is submitted and accepted, restoration will take place within a few days.

Restoration by Court Order.

In the event that an application was made to close the company by the directors/shareholder, restoration is only possible by way of a court application. Please call us to discuss the process.

For all further information please call us on 0207 112 5166.

To order a company now

£96.00 including VAT and postage

Please note that orders received after 4pm may not be processed until the next working day.

Once you have received your company, feel free to call us if you have any questions about the paperwork. We can also supply non-standard items such as company seals and extra copies of forms and the Memorandum & Articles of Association.